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Shortly about SBC Barcelona

Our presence

Nostalgia Corner: Our 8Bit showcase


Lambda Gaming At SBC Barcelona 2023

Posted: 29.09.23

Shortly about SBC Barcelona

The SBC Summit was a game-changer for the gaming world, bringing together top-notch speakers and participants in a stunning venue. The event's excellent organization showcased various stages, panels, speakers, demos, and sub-events. This well-coordinated gathering highlighted the diversity and excitement in the gaming industry, providing a platform for valuable insights and innovations.

Our presence

Our recent participation in SBC Barcelona marked a significant milestone for our company. The unique design of our booth, featuring captivating 8-bit games, captured substantial attention and got positive feedback. This exposure not only validated our approach but also paved the way further within the gaming industry.

Nostalgia Corner: Our 8Bit showcase

At the heart of our booth was a nostalgic journey into the world of 8-bit games. Positioned as a "nostalgia corner," our exhibit featured an array of these classic games alongside our explosive slot sensation, Kaboom. The addition of Lara Croft as our mascot added a touch of iconic gaming personality to the showcase.

Our booth went beyond mere display. Attendees eagerly participated in our Duck Hunt challenge, adding an element of friendly competition and retro fun. We further engaged the crowd through a raffle with an enticing main prize - a Retro console, blending the charm of the past with cutting-edge gaming technology. Moreover, our representatives embraced an 8-bit themed dress code, embodying the spirit of the games showcased.


In summary, our presence at SBC Barcelona showcased the vibrancy of our company in the dynamic gaming landscape and our booth left a lasting impression. This event not only reinforced our standing within the industry but also opened doors to new opportunities for future partnerships and collaborations.